
College Prep’s nationally ranked debate program teaches a variety of academic and personal skills, including public speaking, research, integrity, logic, writing, and teamwork. 
Debate introduces students to competitive speaking, analytic thinking, the basics of argumentation, and research. Students learn about the various types of debate and eventually specialize in one or more areas, typically either Public Forum (about current events) or Policy Debate (about big-picture policy issues). Students can also compete in Oratory, Parliamentary, Dramatic or Humorous Interpretation, and Domestic or Foreign Extemporaneous Speaking.

College Prep is consistently recognized as one of the top debate programs in the country and has earned a Schools of Excellence award from the National Speech & Debate Association. In addition to the program’s success on the national stage, debate is prized for the camaraderie born of long weekends of competition and late nights in the library, the rush that comes from mastering a difficult challenge, the self-confidence developed through testing oneself, and the humility learned in listening to others.
Being on the debate team taught me how to think critically, organize my thoughts clearly, and present my ideas confidently. It also gave me the chance to become close friends with terrific people at College Prep and other schools.

L'équipe des discours et débats de la préparation au collège reçoit un soutien généreux de la Julia Burke Memorial Endowment for Debate, créée par Marilyn et Jerry Burke en mémoire de leur fille Julia (promotion 2000), une débatteuse exceptionnelle de la préparation au collège. Les revenus de cette dotation sont utilisés pour aider à couvrir les frais de voyage de l'équipe pour les débats nationaux, ce qui permet à tous les participants de participer à la compétition nationale de débat.

L'école préparatoire du collège

mens conscia recti

un esprit conscient de ce qui est juste