
College Prep offers overnight grade-level retreats for each class annually. A developmentally appropriate theme is explored through discussion, games, and challenge-based activities.

ninth grade retreat

Ninth graders travel to the C.Y.O campsite in Occidental, California for two days and one night of retreat fun! Led by seniors with the support of ninth grade faculty advisors, this trip creates social connections and ensures a smooth entry into the College Prep community. Activities include community-building, relay races, group games, and more!

eleventh grade retreat

Eleventh grade retreat extends the comfort zone of the students, and is an exercise in leadership training. In addition to extensive group discussion and activities, there is an outdoor high-low ropes course. The course is a series of 'events' consisting of ropes, cables, logs, and platforms set up 6 inches to 60 feet off the ground. "The course is designed to create situations that promote an increased sense of confidence and a heightened appreciation of the effectiveness a team can create." (Pro-Action Learning).

tenth grade retreat

Tenth grade retreat focuses on self-esteem, work/life balance and making wise and safe decisions. We explore these and other topics through our senior leader-led small group discussions. These themes become action steps as we all navigate down the challenging and picturesque American River.

twelfth grade retreat

The Senior Snow Trip is a two-night three day getaway to the mountains for skiing, snowboarding, snowball fights, and winter fun. This time-honored tradition is a wonderful celebration of friendship and marks the launch of our senior's final semester at College Prep.

The twelfth grade retreat convenes at the beautiful Bishop's Ranch in Healdsburg, California at the end of the school year. During this relaxed retreat, our seniors discuss life after Prep and their hopes for the future. We also have time to reflect on past College Prep experiences through shared memories, stories, and a "look-back" video presentation.
My favorite memory is from 10th grade retreat: lying on uneven ground, cocooned in a sleeping bag, face exposed to the crisp air, staring at the vast expanse above, the night sky freckled with stars, needing to do nothing but be with friends, listening to the hushed whispers of my classmates. It was something else.

L'école préparatoire du collège

mens conscia recti

un esprit conscient de ce qui est juste