Welcome to College Prep!

For over 60 years, College Prep has helped shape a community of learners who engage deeply with big ideas and the craft of scholarship within a joyful and caring community.
High school is a time to deepen your passions but also to explore a world of new possibilities. College Prep encourages both individualism and inclusivity, fosters discovery and dialogue, and inspires and challenges students. Our graduates come back year after year to share their lives with a College Prep community that has become family to them.
Notre équipe des admissions est là pour vous soutenir dans ce processus de découverte. Nous sommes ravis de pouvoir en apprendre davantage sur vous et nous nous réjouissons de répondre à toutes vos questions sur la préparation à l'université. 
Evie, Jonathan, and Jessica
Admissions en prépa collège

Liste de 1 articles.

  • Take the next Steps

    Take the Next Steps
    At College Prep, we care about each other and making the world a better place. Each year, we welcome ninth graders and a few transfer students with a range of interests and backgrounds from through the Bay Area.
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In Financial Aid
Average Class Size
How to Apply
The application process is an opportunity to reflect upon your goals for high school while you share with us your interests, activities, and passions.
Learn about our process  or take a look at our Program Guide

Financial Aid
Providing access and affordability are essential to creating a socio-economically diverse educational community. 25% of College Prep students receive financial support, with an average grant of $37,500.
Learn More about Financial Aid

Visit Us
Located in Oakland's Rockridge neighborhood, our 5-acre campus blends in with the native plants and trees typical of the Oakland Hills landscape.
Take a Virtual Tour
Why College Prep?
At College Prep, we challenge our students to engage deeply in learning, appreciate one another, and grow into adults who are intellectually adventurous, ethically sure-footed, and generous of heart and spirit.
Le College Preparatory School est un lycée privé mixte, situé dans le quartier de Rockridge à Oakland, destiné aux étudiants qui veulent poursuivre une éducation sérieuse et utile avec d'autres personnes qui partagent les mêmes sentiments.

L'école préparatoire du collège

mens conscia recti

un esprit conscient de ce qui est juste
L'école préparatoire du collège admet les étudiants de toute race, origine nationale et ethnique, croyance, capacité physique, statut économique, identité de genre ou orientation sexuelle à bénéficier de tous les droits, privilèges, programmes et activités généralement mis à la disposition des étudiants de l'école. L'école applique toutes les normes légales de non-discrimination aux programmes administrés par l'école, aux pratiques administratives et au soutien de tous les membres de la communauté.