Neel Valeti ’21 and Teammates Win Inaugural X Developer Challenge

Neel Valeti '21 (photo: far left) and his team won first place in the "X Developer Challenge," a two-day competition where they had all-access to X API as well as xAI/Grok (Grok is X's version of ChatGPT) API to build a product. Neel's team built a Chrome extension called InsightX that adds an “analyze” button to every post. When the button is clicked, it provides insights on the post's factual accuracy, sentiment analysis on the post’s author, an “All-Angle View” on the post’s topic, and a search tool to find all of the author’s posts on a given keyword. At the end of the challenge, Neel and his team presented their project to Elon Musk and met X's engineers. Watch a clip from KPIX news here.

L'école préparatoire du collège

mens conscia recti

un esprit conscient de ce qui est juste