Parents' Association Equity and Belonging Committee (PAEBC)

PAEBC is an opportunity for parents to lead and engage our community through an equity and inclusion practice to ensure a joyful, kind, diverse, and creative community for all through bias management, cultural competence, and service leadership. PAEBC leaders are intellectually adventurous, ethically sure-footed, and generous of heart and spirit as they model appreciation for others and give generously of heart and spirit to collaborate with the community to support College Prep’s mission, philosophy, and vision.
  • Provide parent inspired equity and belonging opportunities for the community
  • Collaborer avec les étudiants, les parents et les éducateurs pour inspirer et responsabiliser une communauté inclusive et équitable
  • Établir des partenariats avec des organisations qui s'alignent sur leur mission afin d'inspirer et de renforcer une communauté inclusive et équitable
  • Créer des programmes qui inspirent les gens et leur donnent les moyens de construire des communautés aimables, créatives, diverses et joyeuses
Parent volunteers collaborate with the Dean of Equity and Belonging to develop offerings and programs for the community that inspire and empower people to practice bias management, cultural competence, and leadership through service.

To contact our chairs, please email:

Liste de 1 membres.

  • Photo of Alexandria  Osei-Amoako

    Alexandria  Osei-Amoako 

    Dean of Equity and Belonging
    510-652-0111 ext.269

L'école préparatoire du collège

mens conscia recti

un esprit conscient de ce qui est juste